What famous personality are you dying to chat with? If not in person, I assume an online interactive discussion would satisfy that craving. Maybe they are a movie star, a news anchor, a top chef, a sitcom darling – whomever you hope to kibitz with, the advances in online media and the popularity of key social platforms can make that happen. Get ready to say something smart and witty! Or, if you prefer, get ready to be impressed by another side of these celebrities that you never knew! The online discussion formats available today give everyday people sites or outlets to interact with celebrities who appear every day on their television, in the newspaper, on the radio, or on stage. These folks are well known, and now they are accessible, too!
However not all celebrities know how to handle their social presence. There are some topics that are too sensitive and can actually hurt more that do good. Politics is one of those topics and celebrities who engage in politics have to really be careful about their opinions as they could backfire hard. A good example of a celebrity social channel not doing quite good and having a lot of backfire isĀ Abigail – Ben Shapiro Sister and her YouTube channel. You can learnĀ More About Ben Shapiro Sister on this article.
Social media has handed even the less tech-savvy a channel for interactive engagement. Used for entertainment and marketing, the social platforms serve numerous purposes. Positive side-effects may include keeping celebrities more closely connected to their audiences than they have ever been able to be before. More recently, companies have been using this improved connectivity to really engage with their customers and address problems with the product, or conduct targeted marketing based upon interaction with customers and their feedback.
Aside from “business as usual,” what is even cooler about these outlets is the opportunity for real-time commentary from one person to the next. It is not just promoting new films, albums or projects, but interacting like human beings at the local virtual caffe – real daily life stuff. The open nature of the social platforms truly enables better interaction, more effective collaboration and a general connection of interesting people who comprise a wide audience around the globe.
Getting celebrities involved in your cause is a topic of interest on the internet. Nationally recognized non-profits seem to be relatively successful in convincing celebrities to support their cause. One of the barriers for the lesser-known non-profits is just that: they are lesser-known. Just as lesser-known celebrities fall into the shadows of their more media-covered counterparts, local non-profits are less likely to be recognized than nationally known ones. This is especially true when considering the high-profile stuff that celebrities typically get exposed to. One way to really make an impression is to join or start open forums about your cause. You may be surprised about the range of passionate people who join these sites or outlets, including celebrities! Having an interactive discussion with a celebrity about a cause that they are personally interested in is going to be one of the best ways to gain recognition, trust, and potential celebrity support.
Will we ever get social media fatigue and tire of it? Not as long as we’ve got celebrities to talk to and through whom we can live vicariously! We’re all social creatures, as it is a human characteristic. Social media gives us that satisfying instant visibility and connectivity that we crave. So sign up for a social discussion, sign in for some real-time commentary, and interact!